Motorex Racing Bio Liquid Power 1 ltr
Saatavissa myymälästä Ivontie 9
Tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa
Motorex Racing Bio Liquid Power 1 ltr
Ivontie 9
Myymälätoimitus saatavissa, tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa
Ivontie 9
East MX
80260 Joensuu
SKU: 552-235-001
MOTOREX RACING BIO AIR FILTER OIL is an air filter oil specially developed for off-road motorbikes and quads (ATVs) that feature a reusable foam air filter. This biodegradable special oil has excellent absorption capacity with regards to dust and dirt. Thanks to the special substances it contains, harmful foreign bodies are prevented from entering the engine – even in the toughest usage conditions.
MOTOREX RACING BIO AIR FILTER OIL is highly flammable. Keep far away from ignition sources and do not smoke. Suitable places for use: in well-ventilated rooms and preferably outdoors in the fresh air. Wear safety gloves and goggles. Store container in a well-ventilated place.

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