Motorex Coolant M5.0 Ready To Use 1 ltr
Saatavissa myymälästä Ivontie 9
Tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa
Motorex Coolant M5.0 Ready To Use 1 ltr
Ivontie 9
Myymälätoimitus saatavissa, tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa
Ivontie 9
East MX
80260 Joensuu
SKU: 552-409-001
COOLANT M5.0 Ready to use is bases on ethylene glycol which is nitrite-, phosphate- and amine-free. It meets the requirements of various manufacturers of high-performance engines. In addition to outstanding antifreeze protection, this coolant offers excellent year-round corrosion protection for all metals and alloys used in the cooling systems of combustion engines.
Dosage: COOLANT M5.0 Ready to use protects the system at temperatures as low as -38°C.

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