Motorex Coolant M3.0 Ready To Use 1 ltr
Saatavissa myymälästä Ivontie 9
Tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa
Motorex Coolant M3.0 Ready To Use 1 ltr
Ivontie 9
Myymälätoimitus saatavissa, tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa
Ivontie 9
East MX
80260 Joensuu
SKU: 552-403-001
Ethylene glycol-based COOLANT M3.0 ready to use provides excellent protection against frost, corrosion, limescale deposits and overheating in modern engines, but especially in highly loaded aluminium engines. The inhibitors used effectively prevent corrosion and deposits in the cooling system with its important components such as cooling channels in the cylinder head, engine block, radiator, water pump and heat exchanger.

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